The Holy Fool (a short Russian Rabbinic tale)
During a talk for Biologos about the relationship between faith and science, Dr. Richard Mouw tells a compelling story that was first...
The Holy Fool (a short Russian Rabbinic tale)
What Would Jesus Do about Single Use Plastics?
Thinking about a Vocational Institute
The Theology of a Library
In the Land of Armadillos
Prayer: Poolside
The Ever Changing Scope of the Gospel
Engaging All that Jesus Says
Waiting is not easy
Remembering God
Quieting our Ambitions (Henri Nouwen & I)
Waiting like a Child
How Creation Can Empower Your Prayers
Wanting God
God Speaks Science: Preaching from God’s Other Book
The Parable of Alex Storm; Treasure Hunter
Engaging Creation as God's Word
My Heart's Desire
My Jumbotron Confession
A Most Encouraging Faith & Science Conference